Mission in a Bottle NPR coverage of Mission in a Bottle: The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently--and Succeeding by Seth Goldman, Barry Nalebuff, and Sungyoon Choi. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more.

Mission in a Bottle

The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently — and Succeeding

by Seth Goldman, Barry Nalebuff and Sungyoon Choi

Hardcover, 278 pages, Random House Inc, List Price: $23 |


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Mission in a Bottle
The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently — and Succeeding
Seth Goldman, Barry Nalebuff, et al

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Book Summary

An accessible two-color graphic book presents an account of how the co-founders of Honest Tea built their mission-driven business and shares entrepreneurial insights and advice about the importance of perseverance and creative problem-solving.

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Awards and Recognition

1 week on NPR Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List

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Barry Nalebuff (left) and Seth Goldman cofounded Honest Tea in 1997. Goldman is the company's TeaEO. Nalebuff is a professor at Yale School of Management. Crown Business hide caption

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Crown Business

Note: Book excerpts are provided by the publisher and may contain language some find offensive.

Excerpt: Mission In A Bottle

From Mission in a Bottle: The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently--and Succeeding, by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff. Illustrated by Sungyoon Choi. Copyright 2013. Excerpted by permission of Crown Business.